Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Study questions Chapters 4 and 5

Christ Ramirez
Study Questions Chapter 4

1.       What is the difference between a phoneme and an allophone?
The difference between phonemes and allophones is that substituting one phoneme for another will result in a word with a different meaning.

2.       What is an aspirated sound and which of the following words would normally be pronounced with one: kill, pool, skill, spool, stop, top?
A aspirated sound is a puff of air and would be pronounced with pool, spool, and stop.

3.       Which of the following words would be treated as minimal pairs?
goat vote,   fat far,  bun ban,  chain sane,  heel heat,  bet bell,  pat fat,  pit pat,  vet bet.

4.       What is meant by the phonotactics of a language?
The permitted arrangement of sounds In a language.

5.       What is the difference between an open and a closed syllable?
An open syllable means the word ended with a vowel, whereas a closed syllable means the word ended with a consonant.

6.       Which segments in the pronunciations of the following words are most likely to be affected by elision?
Government- /n/ - gʌvərmɛnt
Postman- /t/ as in “tuh”- poʊstmæn
Pumpkin-   /p/ in second part of pumpkin -pʌmkən
Sandwich - /d/ sænwɪtʃ
Victory-/t/ as in “tour” vɪktoʊri

Christ Ramirez
Chapter 5 Study Questions

1.       What is the difference between etymology and entomology?
Etymology is the study and origin and history of a word and entomology is the study of insects.

2.       Which of the following pairs contain an example of calque? How would you describe the others?
A)     Footobooru (Japanese)-football (English) -Borrowing
B)      Trening (Hungerian)- training (English)-Borrowing
C)      Luna de miel (Spanish “moon of honey”) honeymoon (English) -Calque
D)     Jardin d’enfants (French “garden of children”)- Kindergarden (German) “children garden”-Calque

3.       Can you identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each of the underlined words in these sentences?
A)     Don’t you ever worry that you might get AIDS?-acronyms
B)      Do you have a Xerox machine?- backformation
C)      That’s really fandamtastic!-infixes
D)     Sheil still parties every Saturday night.-backformation
E)      These new skateboards from Zee Designs are kickass.-compound
F)      When I’m Ill, I want to see a doc, not a vet.-clipping
G)     The house next door was burgled when I was babysitting the Smiths’ children.-conversiom and compound
H)     I like this old sofa, it’s nice and comfy. hypocorisms
4.       Identify the prefixes and suffixes used in the these words:
 a) misfortune-prefix (mis)
b) terrorism-suffix (ism)
c) carelessness-2 suffix (lessness)
d)disagreement-prefix (dis)
e)ineffective-prefix (in)
f)unfaithful- both prefix and suffix (un/ful)
g)prepackaged -prefix( pre)
h) biodegradable-
i)reincarnation -prefix (re)
j)decentralization-prefix (de)
      5. In Kamhmu, the word sal means “to put an ornament in the ear.” What would be the word for a “an ear ornament”?
        A srnal.
6. More than one process was involved in the creation of the forms underlined in these sentences, Can you identify the processes involved in each case?
          A) Are you still using that old car-phone?-compound & backformation          B) Can you FedEx the books to me today?- coinage and conversion          C) Police have reported an increase in carjackings in recent months.conversion&compounding           D)Welcome, everyone, to karaokenight at Cathy’s Bar and Grill! -borrowing&compounding           E) Jeeves, could you tell the maid to be sure to hoover the bedroom carpet? -conversion&coinage 
          F) Would you prefer a decaf?-clipping &derivation